Animals and Critters Gallery


Puddling Tigers

Swallowtail butterflies look for small puddles  of water with minerals in them. Painted from one of Rick Bunting’s photos. This was excepted into the

North East Watercolor Society’ s International Show

15”x 22” - NFS

Some of the Boys

Beef cattle my son Adam raised one year.

15”x 22” - sold

Oh No Kara

Our English Shepard when she was a puppy.

Baltimore Oriole

Sitting in our wild apple tree.

15”x 22” - NFS

Blue Heron

Painted from one of Rick Bunting’s photos. This was excepted into the North East Watercolor Society’ s International Show and received the Richard and Dorothy Price award.

15”x 22” - NFS

Resident Cardinal

This pair came back every winter and I am sure it is their off spring that now visit me.

15”x 22” - NFS

Hairy Woodpecker

From a Rick Bunting photo

15”x 22” - NFS

Oh No Kara

Our English Shepard when she was a puppy.

Fishing for Supper

From a Rick Bunting photo, a blue Heron. 15”x 22” - NFS

Oh No Kara

Our English Shepard when she was a puppy.

30”x 22” - NFS


A partridge that came to Raymond anytime he started on the hill.

15”x 22” - NFS

Autumn’s Song

A sparrow by our woodshed.

15”x 22” - NFS

Lord of the Swamp

From a Rick Butting photo.

This painting was excepted into the

North East International Show.

15”x 22” - NFS

Just Love Me

Keil’s pup

15”x 22” - NFS

Cedar Wax Wings

In the old wild apple tree.

15”x 22” - NFS